Local Quarterback Club cancels 2020 season


The Montgomery Quarterback Club announced on Monday it was canceling its 2020 season, but the organization’s president said the group would come back even stronger after a brief hiatus.

“I think we’ll come back in 2021 stronger than we’ve ever been,” said QB Club head coach Virginia Whitfield. “You don’t just let go of that history and that community recognition. There’s nothing the QB Club does that isn’t good. We’ll sit down and think of how we can accommodate more people and get more of the young people involved so that they can become activists in promoting and acknowledging the youth in our community.”   

The organization’s board of directors ran out of time for the upcoming season, with its annual fundraiser taking place this month to secure the fall’s speakers and with an uncertain economy sparking concerns of a reduction in corporate sponsorships. Other factors concern the uncertainty of the fall football season as well as possible social distancing guidelines that could affect attendance at the club’s meetings.

“These are just unusual times and I think it’s better to be safe than sorry,” Whitfield said. “You can’t have large gatherings. We basically don’t have much of an option. It doesn’t lend itself to having the 2020 season.”

The club was formed in the fall of 1940 at the Jeff Davis Hotel and began meeting on a regular basis the following year. Among the group were community leaders who could promote the group’s interests, including longtime sports editors Max Mosley of the Advertiser and Sam Adams of the Alabama Journal. The first head coach was another Advertiser editor, Howard Pill. 

While the organization is noted for its speakers, its main mission is to support high school football in the River Region. The Quarterback Club is exploring ways to continue awarding player of the week honors to area high school football players while not holding regular meetings.

“The QB Club is a lot of good people with a great interest in promoting these young people and athletics,” Whitfield said. “These kids need some organization to let them know that they’re important. They’re not just talented, they’re good kids and hard-working kids and they deserve recognition.”

To stay informed on the Quarterback Club’s mission, visit the organization’s Facebook page or its Web site at www.mgmqbackclub.org.